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Consent Forms

Students have taken home their envelopes with student consent form and there are also forms online (our goal is to have them all online, but until then please complete the paper and online consents)  Go to https://consent.sd62.bc.ca/apps/OnlineConsent .   Annual consents need to be redone each school year, perpetual consents are valid as long as the student remains enrolled in Sooke School District. When you log in to the portal, if you have already provided consent for the perpetual items, they will show as checked, and the annual items will show as unchecked. We have listed the consents and if they are annual or perpetual for your information below.

  1. Media Consent (annual)
  2. Internet Access Consent (annual)
  3. General Consent for School Fieldtrips/Activities (annual)
  4. School Cash Online Consent (perpetual)
  5. Google Apps for Education Consent (perpetual)
  6. Aboriginal Education Information and Self-Identification (annual)
  7. MyBlueprint Consent (perpetual)